Complaints & compliments
We aim to provide you with good quality services, but we can only be sure we are succeeding if you let us know. Whether you are complaining, complimenting us or giving us suggestions, we will always be pleased to hear from you.
How do I make a complaint?
If you would like to make a complaint please complete the online Complaints Form below, email
Our complaints procedure
At Housing for Women we aspire to provide good services you can trust. When something goes wrong we aim to find out why and put it right as quickly as possible. We respond positively to complaints because the feedback we receive helps improve our services for all customers. You can download and read our Complaints Procedure below:
Our compensation and reimbursement policy
Complaints handling
The Housing Ombudsman Service have introduced a new Complaints Handling Code. The purpose of the Code is to enable us, as Landlords to resolve complaints raised by our residents quickly and to use the learning from complaints to drive service improvements. It will also help to create a positive complaint handling culture amongst staff and residents.
We have assessed how we respond to complaints against the code; please click on the link below to see a copy of our self-assessment report.
Complaints Handling Code Self-Assessment
Our Annual Complaints Performance and Contact Demand Report outlines how we’ve handled complaints over the past year, as shared with our Board and the Housing Ombudsman. You can download and read the full report below.
Annual Complaints Performance and Contact Demand Report 2023/24
How we use complaints to improve
We are always looking for ways to improve our services and increase customer satisfaction. We do that by listening to our customers and learning from the feedback we receive.